
Wireless Networks

Linking Premises
Network Infrastructure
Think of your organisation as a tree, your network infrastructure is your roots. Without sturdy, well maintained roots your tree wouldn’t get what it needs, undermining stability and the ability to grow.
Infrastructure is the hardware and software resources of an entire network enabling connectivity, communication, operations and management of an enterprise network. It provides the communication path and services between users, processes, applications, and external networks/the internet. This is why it’s key!
Often the issues arising from a failing IT system come down to the basic infrastructure that’s in place. You may be facing issues such as;
Internet connectivity failures.
Issues connecting to network resources and hardware.
Inefficient/unsafe practices in sharing of data.
Insufficient network speeds.
Disjointed systems that don’t work together.
Poor and/or over complicated communication throughout the business or between sites.
Inability to flex the system and network for growth.


Wireless Networks

Linking Premises
Network Infrastructure
Think of your organisation as a tree, your network infrastructure is your roots. Without sturdy, well maintained roots your tree wouldn’t get what it needs, undermining stability and the ability to grow.
Infrastructure is the hardware and software resources of an entire network enabling connectivity, communication, operations and management of an enterprise network. It provides the communication path and services between users, processes, applications, and external networks/the internet. This is why it’s key!
Often the issues arising from a failing IT system come down to the basic infrastructure that’s in place. You may be facing issues such as;
Internet connectivity failures.
Issues connecting to network resources and hardware.
Inefficient/unsafe practices in sharing of data.
Insufficient network speeds.
Disjointed systems that don’t work together.
Poor and/or over complicated communication throughout the business or between sites.
Inability to flex the system and network for growth.
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Our Clients
We pride ourselves on supporting our clients' needs with quick and efficient responses and solutions to their problems.
... and if we may say, we do a pretty great job!
But don't just take our word for it, hear what Thornley Leisure, Brenig Group and Abbeyford Lesiure have to say about us.
The industries and sectors in which our Clients operate are varied, no matter what your business we have something to offer to everyone.
Many thanks to our clients in this video who were happy to participate in letting others know about how we have helped their business;
Liz Jones, Senior Marketing Executive at Thornley Leisure Parks
Mark Parry, Group Managing Director at Brenig Group
Phillip Shaw, Finance and Operations Director at Abbeyford Leisure

and many more...
We work with all
industries and sectors
We went out and asked our clients what they thought of us and this is what they said...

Computer Solutions is unique. They don’t just provide the computer equipment, they also deliver a first class personal service which sets them apart from other companies in their field.
We at St Gerard’s, have had first- hand experience of the personal service Computer Solutions offer. Imagine, it’s the day before A level results, the server has gone down and It isn’t a scheduled day for Computer Solutions to visit. How on earth were we going to get the results ready for the onslaught the next day! A telephone call to Gary, our support engineer, and he is there within the hour, his team of engineers on stand-by in case they are needed. Just one example of many as to why we have continued our alliance with them for the last 8 years.